It’s Sealed Night but this time we are focused on the special Keyforge set – More Mutation. This rare set is only available at Home Base Keyforge locations, like Game Point. From the publisher: “KeyForge: MORE Mutation is an ultra-rare set that pulls from the KeyForge: Mass Mutation card pool and includes new legacy cards from KeyForge sets published after KeyForge: Mass Mutation. But there’s more! KeyForge: MORE Mutation will include additional Gigantic creatures. Specifically Logos, Saurian, and Untamed will each receive a new Gigantic creature, while Sanctum, Dis, Star Alliance, and Shadows will each receive two new Gigantic creatures. This means each House in KeyForge: MORE Mutation will have two Gigantics in their arsenal. Additional new cards that bolster Gigantics have also been added.
At the start of the event, you’ll pay $14.99 for a deck and then we’ll play three rounds of Swiss pairings. Overall winner will get a special prize – everyone will have fun!
On Thursdays, we forge!