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Keyforge – Menagerie Sealed

March 27 | 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Keyfroge box cover

We need a breather from all these store champs events! Just plain sealed but with a fun set – Menagerie tonight. For newer players this set was a wacky idea from the Keyforge team, here’s some details:

They share a few basic ideas with the Unchained decks. Both types of decks can feature any house that has ever appeared in the game, and are not legal in official tournaments. But, that is where the similarities end. KeyForge: Menagerie decks provide their own unique KeyForge experience. Every KeyForge: Menagerie deck includes at least one of more than 50 different Menagerie packets. It’s also possible for a deck to feature several different Menagerie packets. So what’s a Menagerie packet?

Each Menagerie packet is a group of specific cards chosen from the entire KeyForge card pool. Each packet has a name and theme, designed to give a deck a special feel or identify that in the past was either very unlikely, or potentially impossible. There are many different types of Menagerie packets in the set!

So every player will purchase a new, sealed Menagerie deck and then we will have a casual swiss tourney with prizes for the ultimate winner!


March 27
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
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Game Point Cafe
107 S 11th Street
Nashville, TN 37206 United States
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