It seems like lately every good board game inevitably gets an expansion to add more content to the game. Game Point has taken a page from that trend and is proud to announce our newest expansion, Game Point – A Game Store. It’s been almost five years since our board game cafe launched in the Five Points neighborhood and we thought it was about time to spread our particular brand of board game love to other parts of the city.

So, starting Saturday, October 22, Game Point – A Game Store, will launch in Hillsboro Village (1804 21st Avenue South to be exact). We have been hard at work creating a fun retail space to complement our great play space in East Nashville. We can’t wait for you to visit – to start, we will be open Thursday to Sunday each week (10 am to 4 pm on Thursday, 10 am – 6 pm the rest of the weekend). Thanks for the past five years – here’s to another five of helping great gaming to happen all over Nashville!