And we are back!

Sorry for the gap in service caused by the winter weather we’ve had the past few days. We are back and open today, Wednesday, January 17th. Cafe will have slightly modified hours (8 am until 9 pm).


Closed for Winter Weather

Due to the big snowstorm in the area, Game Point will be closed on Monday (9/15) and Tuesday (9/16). We are hoping to be open on Wednesday, likely with limited hours.


Magic Monday postponed!

Sorry planeswalkers, we have to cancel our weekly Magic Monday tonight, March 6th. Make plans to come out next Monday for casual commander or the following Monday, March 20th, for the next Draft and a Drink.


Closing Early on December 26, 2022

Sorry, but due to weather related staffing shortage, we are going to have to close early today. We are shutting down at 4 pm. Magic Monday is cancelled. Forecast looks to improve from here on out –


Black Friday at our Hillsboro Village Location

What better way to celebrate our new retail location than a Black Friday promotion?! Starting Friday, November 25th, and running all weekend long, spend $100 on games at our Hillsboro Village location and receive a coupon for $15 off a purchase in January!


Events Postponed

Due to some conditions outside of our control, we are going to have to postpone Lord of the Rings Trivia and Solforge Fusion Launch Event that were scheduled to happen this week.


Game Point : The Retail Expansion

It seems like lately every good board game inevitably gets an expansion to add more content to the game. Game Point has taken a page from that trend and is proud to announce our newest expansion,


Tuesday Nights have Leveled Up!

Tuesday evenings at Game Point we have traditionally hosted a series of game specific events – chess night, word games, etc. Then a few months ago, we launched Game Point Game Night on the last Tuesday of the month.