And we are back!

Sorry for the gap in service caused by the winter weather we’ve had the past few days. We are back and open today, Wednesday, January 17th. Cafe will have slightly modified hours (8 am until 9 pm). Hillsboro Village store will be open our usual time (10 am – 4 pm). Need to get out of the house or want a new game to get you through these snow days? We’ve got you covered!

Closed for Winter Weather

Due to the big snowstorm in the area, Game Point will be closed on Monday (9/15) and Tuesday (9/16). We are hoping to be open on Wednesday, likely with limited hours. Stay tuned for more info!

Votes for Women – Expand Learning and Celebration of Women’s History

Why limit celebrating the major milestones in women’s history to just the month of March? With Votes for Women, you have the perfect opportunity to relive the fight for ratification of the 19th amendment any time, all year long! Votes for Women asks players to take on the role of the suffrage movement (or the opposition). In the game, you will work to get enough states in your corner to amend the Constitution and expand the right to vote (or stop it from happening)! Will Tennessee’s native son, Harry Burn, once again be the final vote secure the amendment’s passage or will the game play out differently? It’s up to you and your strategies!

Box cover of Votes for Women board game with the subtitle "Join the American Women's Suffrage Movement 1848-1920"

Here’s more about Votes for Women from the publisher, Fort Circle Games:

From a small gathering in Seneca Falls, New York to the ratification of the 19th Amendment, the Women’s Suffrage Movement waged a seventy year battle to secure the most fundamental right of citizenship for half of the American population. While the 19th Amendment by no means guaranteed every woman access to the ballot, it stands as a testament to the power of movements and the brilliant determination of its members. The story of how suffragists won Votes for Women has never been more relevant given the resurgent movement politics of today. 

Votes for Women captures and celebrates the struggle by inviting players to join the suffrage movement, organize support, and campaign for victory across the 48 states that were called to ratify the 19th Amendment in 1919-1920. The card-driven game can be played cooperatively, competitively, or in solitaire mode, and in each version players must navigate the historic events, movement schisms, and political challenges of the era to win. The board is simple to set up and the artwork is inspired by the classic designs used by suffragists themselves.

– From Fort Circle Games website

Players can choose to play Votes for Women competitively with one player representing the suffrage movement the other playing the opposition or cooperatively (or solo) by playing against the “oppobot” described in the games rulebook. The game features a card driven play style similar to games like Twilight Struggle and 1960: the Making of the President. Each of the over 100 cards in the game features historical figures and events from the suffrage movement that creates an opportunity for learning more about the historical period while playing the game.

You can purchase Votes for Women at the cafe or in our retail store in Hillsboro Village today!

Magic Monday postponed!

Sorry planeswalkers, we have to cancel our weekly Magic Monday tonight, March 6th. Make plans to come out next Monday for casual commander or the following Monday, March 20th, for the next Draft and a Drink. See you then!

Closing Early on December 26, 2022

Sorry, but due to weather related staffing shortage, we are going to have to close early today. We are shutting down at 4 pm. Magic Monday is cancelled. Forecast looks to improve from here on out – thanks for your patience and understanding!

Closing Early on Thursday, December 12, 2022

We are closing early tonight, Thursday December 12. Whether it snows or not, we want to make sure some of our employees aren’t exposed to the elements when temperatures are as low as predicted. We will be closing at 2 pm.

And remember we are closing early (2 pm) on Christmas Eve and will be closed Christmas Day. We will be open 7 am – 10 pm on Monday, as usual. Game on!

Black Friday at our Hillsboro Village Location

What better way to celebrate our new retail location than a Black Friday promotion?! Starting Friday, November 25th, and running all weekend long, spend $100 on games at our Hillsboro Village location and receive a coupon for $15 off a purchase in January! Spend $200, get two coupons for a total of $30 off – they just keep stacking!

The $100 total must be before tax and doesn’t include gift card purchases. Promotion is not in effect at the cafe in East Nashville, this time.

Hope you’ll come by (1804 21st Avenue South) and start your holiday shopping early with us! Open 10 am to 6 pm all weekend.

Events Postponed

Due to some conditions outside of our control, we are going to have to postpone Lord of the Rings Trivia and Solforge Fusion Launch Event that were scheduled to happen this week. We have plans to bring them both back in the near future – so keep an eye out on the Game Point calendar as we update it for November and December throughout this week. Thanks for your understanding and Game On!

Game Point : The Retail Expansion

It seems like lately every good board game inevitably gets an expansion to add more content to the game. Game Point has taken a page from that trend and is proud to announce our newest expansion, Game Point – A Game Store. It’s been almost five years since our board game cafe launched in the Five Points neighborhood and we thought it was about time to spread our particular brand of board game love to other parts of the city.

So, starting Saturday, October 22, Game Point – A Game Store, will launch in Hillsboro Village (1804 21st Avenue South to be exact). We have been hard at work creating a fun retail space to complement our great play space in East Nashville. We can’t wait for you to visit – to start, we will be open Thursday to Sunday each week (10 am to 4 pm on Thursday, 10 am – 6 pm the rest of the weekend). Thanks for the past five years – here’s to another five of helping great gaming to happen all over Nashville!

Tuesday Nights have Leveled Up!

Picture of crowded evening, blurred

Tuesday evenings at Game Point we have traditionally hosted a series of game specific events – chess night, word games, etc. Then a few months ago, we launched Game Point Game Night on the last Tuesday of the month. Game Point Game Night was a chance to come on out to Game Point if you were looking to play some games but didn’t have a group of people that wanted to come out with you – a way to meet new people and play some games. It’s been a blast – we’ve played things from all over the gaming spectrum – party games like Medium and Long Shot the Dice Game, word games like Letter Jam, strategy games like Dominion, and new games like Art Decko and Akropolis. But why limit the fun to just the last Tuesday of the month?

Now EVERY Tuesday is Game Point Game Night – we are running them concurrently with the game focus for that Tuesday. So, for example, if you come out the second Tuesday and want to play Euchre or some other trick taking game, you can OR you can jump into any other type of game as well OR you can do both and swap back and forth. More options, more fun, more gaming – Tuesdays at Game Point are the place to be. So come on out, grab a drink or a snack, and play some games!